Install Popcorn Time on your NVIDIA Shield

Here are instructions on how to install Popcorn Time on your NVIDIA Shield.

Your online activity is being monitored and streaming paid for content for free can result in legal repercussions. You must use a VPN to keep you safe and anonymous on the internet. See our VPN guide for details and links to get started.

Check out our guide on Popcorn Time for more information on what Popcorn Time is.

Here’s how to install Popcorn Time onto your NVIDIA Shield.

  1. Install Downloader

    Open the Google Play store from your Apps list, search for ‘downloader’ and hit install.

    NVIDIA Shield Downloader

  2. Enable install from unknown sources

    To allow Downloader to install Popcorn Time from outside of the Google App Store we need to allow it to install from unknown sources. This is a security feature so be careful when installing unknown apps and make sure you trust them.

    Go to Settings > Security and restrictions > Unknown sources.

    Shield Unknown Sources

    Click on Downloader to switch on this feature for the Downloader application.

  3. Download Popcorn Time

    Open the Downloader app from your apps list from the home screen and type the following URL into the URL box at the top:

    Once downloaded, hit ‘Install’ from the Downloader screen, then ‘Install’ again on the white android installer dialog screen.

    Once installed you can select ‘Done’ to return or ‘Open’ to open up Popcorn Time.

    If you hit back to Downloader you’ll be presented with an option to delete the installer file. We don’t need it anymore so go ahead and choose to delete the apk installer to free up some space.

  4. All Done!

    Popcorn Time

    Popcorn Time is now installed. You can access it through Settings > Apps.

    Don’t forget to ensure you’re on a VPN when using Popcorn Time.

Check out our NVIDIA Shield guides on installing other apps onto your Shield.

5 thoughts on “Install Popcorn Time on your NVIDIA Shield

  1. I had to rename the bin to a apk file.
    once installed it shows no movies or series, the interface is working do.

    Can i solve this ?

  2. says the app isn’t compatible with your device yet. nvidia shield pro version 9, shield android tv sw version 8.1.1 ( 32.7.301.99).
    Even when it managed to install it ( once only) it came up with an error message and no films/tv shows/etc…coming up. nothing at all.
    any thoughts?

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